The Cool Technological Advancements Offered By The Top News App

Technology has come a long way. There have been numerous advancements that have been made in the field of technology and many new advancements continue to be made on a regular basis. In the field of news as well, technology has made a huge impact. Today, one does not have to sit in front the television set and see whatever news is on. Instead, thanks to technology, it is now possible to choose the news that one wants to watch or read about, and even participate in the story. There are many new and cool advancements that have been made in the field of news apps.

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Below are a few important advancements that one can experience, when reading the daily news on a top news app.  

Voice Commands

There are many news apps like the Google news app, etc., which can be operated using voice commands. Thus, when using these apps, you do not have to even touch your mobile phones. The app recognizes your voice and through simple verbal instructions, you can actually choose the news story that you want to hear. You can also set the source from where you want to access your news stories, you can set your favorite news items, etc. This feature is not available in all news apps, but only in a select few best news app in India

Offline Reading And Saving News Items

In the morning, you may be in too much hurry to read all the news articles in detail. Therefore, you may want to simply read all the headlines and save the news articles, that interest you for reading at a later stage. Once you download and save these articles, even if you do not have access to the internet, later in the day, you would still be able to read these saved articles offline. Thus, the latest technology allows you to read your favorite news articles even when you do not have access to the internet. Having internet on the phone, basically gives us access to the internet all through the day and night, but there are times when this internet connection may get lost. There are many places where the internet still does not reach, when travelling on highways, in rural parts of the country, when inside a lift, etc., you often experience loss of the internet connection. But, if you have already downloaded and saved the news article or story, you would be able to read your favorite news even without the internet connection at these places. 

Share Comments

Since the smallest of incidents that happen in any corner of the world affect our lives, therefore, it is important that instead of being mute spectators to the various events around the globe, we actively participate in them and try to make this world a better place for ourselves, and our families. Whether you are using the best current affairs app or any ordinary news app, almost every app and website, present on the internet, have a space called the comments space. Any person using the app to watch the news from all over the world can use this comment space to share his or her views, suggestions, and opinions with the whole world. Therefore, you can actually use this comment section to voice your agreement or disagreement with certain happenings of the world. By sharing your view and letting the world and the leaders of the world hear what you have to say, you may actually be able to stop something wrong from happening and make something good happen instead. There have been cases where people have come together on these news apps and raised their voice against a certain injustice happening, and actually made a positive difference in the world. Thus, the advancement in technology in the field of news, ha actually given the people the power to not just know about the news from around the world, but to actually become a part of the story and ensure that it ends in a positive manner, just like they would want it to end. 

Besides the advancements discussed above, there are many new and advanced features that many new news apps are offering to their viewers making the use of these news apps even more interactive, entertaining and wonderful.


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